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Baby Boomer or Generation X?

15 Feb

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time – a blog of the decades of my childhood. I was born in January of 1964, the last year of the Baby Boomers. But, the change from Boomers to Generation X’ers is a blurry one. I fit in with both about equally. I do very much identify with the 60’s and 70’s though. I remember the air raid drills; under our desks or out in the halls up against our lockers, facing them, hands crossed over our heads. It was a wondrous times and I am not surprised so many TV shows from more recent years take place in those times; The Wonder Years, That 70’s Show…So many shows are still popular to watch on stations like TV Land – The Partridge Family, the Brady Bunch….I loved both shows and I remember talking to my mom about both shows, after each episode. My daughter Sarah, 17, is jealous, by her own self-admission, that her dad and I grew up in these times. Of course I am probably seeing it all through rose colored glasses. Hurt, pain, anxiety, depression, all these afflictive emotions can often become muted or even wiped out totally in past recollections. I don’t mind. All we have is the now, and that is even impossible to hang on to, to grab. It becomes the past as soon as we can think “now” and the future doesn’t exist either. Memories are from the brain, the mind…but they do shape our lives, help create our karma….I feel blessed and grateful to what has to have been past “merit”, “good karma” to give me a rebirth in such a special time.